
Thursday ShowUP & Sunday Holy Waves

"Between the head and feet of any given person is a billion miles of unexplored wilderness." ~ Gabrielle Roth

5Rhythms® Waves met Mia




A bit about me!

We create this dance together, each of us a stream in a collective group flow. However, on a journey through 5Rhythms maps there is a guide, and in Groningen it's me, Mia Arneric. I am accredited and certified 5Rhythms teacher, generation 2018, it's been quite a journey!

I've been dancing through 5Rhythms Waves for two decades, with teachers in various flavours, in different countries and continents. I discovered that this practice for me is the fastest way to loosen the hold of my mind over my emotional landscapes and my body, to connect with the more authentic core of my being, to experience freedom and ecstasy, and more then anything else to practice practice practice being vulnerable and more real. For me it's the most efficient way for real me to see and be seen by real you, and I find that the most precious gift I could have asked for in this lifetime.

I want to create safe space and a community that allows all of us to be just who we are, with our lights and shadows, a space where we can take a collective breath and put all our everyday masks to rest.

Finally, I enjoy diving into the immense music treasure and creating sound waves

to guide our bodies in all kinds of effortless and intuitive ways!

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or join our 5RitmesGroningen group for community feeling!

Waves for HomePractice on MIXCLOUD


showUP! Waves Online

Donderdag 20:00-21:10 (zaal open 19:45u)










registreer u hier voor de Zoom sessie


Holy Waves Online in mei

Zondag 10:30-11:15 (zaal open 10:15u)
















Studio 3, EdanZ, van Oldebarneveltlaan 6, 9716 EJ, Groningen

EdanZ op google maps


losse les:  € 17,00


10x  € 130,00  (1 jaar geldig)

introductie kaart voor nieuwe dansers:

2x € 25,00  (2 maand geldig)

online lessen worden ondersteund door donatie



Mia Arneric   06 24 26 76 15

Niek Das   06 27 13 17 21


Fijn om mee te nemen:

flesje water, warme sokken, trui/vest/o.i.d.